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About Us

The FUSE Cup is an international school esports competition that is focused on providing young students with an opportunity to participate in safe, inclusive, supportive and structured school based esports competition while developing positive gaming behaviours and digital wellbeing.
The FUSE Cup:
  • Delivers esports competitions for schools from the Asia Pacific region
  • Has three age divisions – Year 5&6, Year 7&8 and Year 9-12
  • Offers online Esports Courses for students
  • Facilitates 3 competitions a year per division - check dates
  • Our format is online and live competitions 
  • Online competitions are supervised by teachers from both schools
  • Is safe, structured, supervised, supportive and social
  • Is inclusive and values focused
  • Has Player Code of Conduct documentation for players and families
  • Utilises a Behaviour Management Policy that clearly outlines behavioural expectations of players
  • Is age appropriate using console based games. No shooting games are part of The FUSE Cup
  • Is focused on digital wellbeing through the development of positive gaming behaviours alongside partners, Kids Helpline and the Office of the eSafety Commissioner
  • Is coordinated by highly experienced, reputable and well respected educators
  • Uses console based hardware (Nintendo Switch + Xbox) - low set up cost – minimal technical or gaming experience needed - plug and play
The FUSE Cup is coordinated by leading, internationally regarded and respected educators with vast experience in implementing excellent programs within various school settings. We are committed to providing all students with a fun, challenging and rewarding esports experience.
The FUSE Cup

The FUSE Cup

Our chosen games are age appropriate and do not include any violent content whatsoever. These games are carefully selected to ensure they align with our values and those of many educational institutions. 

Our international competition is delivered via Nintendo Switch consoles as they are easy to set up, require very little technical experience/knowledge, offer schools maximum value for investment and allow 4 players to play at once.
We run three aged competitions at the same time. A Year 5&6, Year 7&8 and a Year 9-12 competition. Schools may elect to register as many teams as they wish into any of our competitions.
Australia is divided up into regions within each state in which schools compete in a face to face battle against other neighbouring schools. These events are run each term to determine the regional finalists who then compete at a State Championship event.
The winners of each State Final then compete at an Australian Final, subject to travel restrictions.

Our schools in Asia and regional Australia compete in our online competitions.​
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Our Values

Joining an organised and structured esports team or league is not about playing more video games, in fact, it often leads to a better understanding of balanced gaming. It is very different to playing at home alone or online.


The FUSE Cup provides school students with a face to face, safe, competitive and challenging esports opportunity while also promoting concepts such as Digital Wellbeing, Inclusion and Social Values.


Being part of a team and learning how to contribute towards a common goal is a valuable life skill. This is an important aspect of participating in The FUSE Cup which students gain insight into. 


There are 4 overarching values to The FUSE Cup that are our foundation and are in place to ensure that everyone involved enjoys a positive and safe experience that help promote and establish positive gaming habits for younger gamers.


It is important that coaches, players and parents are made aware of these values and that they help promote discussions around ethical esports during school training sessions, at home and during any FUSE Cup events.


Players who breach these rules will be dealt with in accordance to our Behaviour Management System. This process is further explained in our Player’s Code of Conduct documentation.


Further details surrounding The FUSE Cup governance will be provided to schools upon confirmation of registration.

Our Values


Integrity is at the core of The FUSE Cup. It is a foundational value that is important in many aspects of life. Players must develop personal integrity and self respect, this means not using any negative self talk when things don’t go to plan. They must show respect for their opponents, their schools and the rules of the competition at all times.


It’s totally normal to be upset and disappointed when things don’t go to plan. We get it. However, how we handle that disappointment is really important and can help us develop strength of character and resilience. It is therefore important that all players deal with their disappointment positively during all training and competitive situations.


Gaming is for absolutely everybody and can be used as a tool to bring people together. By being open and including everybody, players learn how conduct themselves and how to interact positively with other players, specifically during game play. It is a FUSE Cup requirement that all players wish each other “Good Luck” at the beginning of a competitive game and acknowledge their opponent’s efforts at the end of the game with “Good Game”.


Encouraging your teammates and showing team spirit and pride adds to the atmosphere of any event. Team captains play a huge role in ensuring their teammates and connected and support each other throughout the heats, semi-finals and finals. Learning to be an effective and encouraging team member is another vital life skill.


Interested in Esports Curriculum?

Throughout our conversations with parents, teachers and school leaders across Australia and the Asia Pacific region, one of the most common questions is "Where can we find out more about Esports and are there any resources we can access?"

We have worked closely with our partners, Kids Helpline, to develop an online course for parents, teachers and school leaders.

This free online course provides a great starting point for those seeking to explore how esports can be used a mechanism to engage students, develop an understanding of their digital wellbeing and provide them with an opportunity to participate in the fastest growing STEM based industry on the planet.


Our partner's at Generation Esports have arguably the best available esports curriculum in the world. 

They have recently mapped this curriculum to the Australian Curriculum and have developed planning tools to help Australian teachers implement their Gaming Concepts curriculum with ease

Digital Wellbeing

As adults, we understand that our wellbeing is multi-facetted. We know that leading a balanced lifestyle of regular physical activity with emotional and social connections with others is good for our mental, social, emotional and physical wellbeing. But what about our digital wellbeing? And, how could unstructured and excessive gaming impact us?

Recently, the World Health Organisation included "Gaming Addiction" as an International Classified Disease, ICD-11. 

This is exactly why we at The FUSE Cup are so passionate about helping students develop positive gaming behaviours early on. Students need to understand that excessive gaming can have long lasting negative impacts on many aspects of their lives.

We work closely with leading organisations who offer support and expertise in assisting young gamers and families who are experiencing issues surrounding excessive gaming. 

Our key partnership with Kids Helpline assists students in understanding where they can access free support services for any issues whatsoever. Anytime. Any Reason.

The FUSE Cup are immensely proud to be working with Australia’s eSafety Commissioner. Our mutual goal is improving online safety and further raising awareness for students, while helping younger gamers have safer and more positive experiences online.
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Digital Wellbeing
Esports Curriculum

Interested in Specialised Training for Players?

"Unlock Your Full Gaming Potential Today! 


Do you want to level up your gaming skills and leave your competition in the dust? Look no further – FUSE is teaming up with Valor's cutting-edge esports training programs which are designed to make you improve faster, think faster, and move faster in the esports arena.


Why Use The FUSE Cup Training Academy?


🎮 Expert Coaching: The programs are developed by top-tier esports coaches with years of experience in the industry. Get ready to learn from the very best.


🔬 Science-Backed Training: Using a blend of the power of sports science with the world of gaming to create a training regimen that's proven to deliver results.


🚀 Accelerated Progress: Join the ranks of players who've ranked up 3x faster using Valors esports training tools. Success is just a few clicks away.


🏆 Proven Pathways: Whether you're looking to outplay your friends or aiming for a professional esports career, the training programs are designed to support that goal!


Join the 90% of players who've already experienced the difference. Don't miss out on your chance to dominate the gaming world. Start your journey to esports glory today!"

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Esport Training Program
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Need more info for your school?

Are you keen to get involved but you're not too sure how the idea of establishing esports will go down at school? You're not alone. As esports is a relatively new concept for some school leaders, many educators have asked us for assistance or documentation that they could use when presenting to their school. Below we have provided our School Info Pack for you to download and share with your school community

Need research?

Don't just take our word for it. The following reports are great tools that further justify the benefits of esports along with some amazing statistical information regarding global viewership and growing popularity.

Australia Plays 2023 - 2023 Study
IGEA and Bond University

School Info

Teacher Testimonies

The FUSE Cup has provided a fantastic tool to promote sportsmanship, team work and  positive digital behaviours. Our learners are SUPER excited to get the opportunity to compete in the Mario Kart competition in Term 4.

Travis Goulter, Head of Junior School - Ormiston College, QLD Australia

Esports Research
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